Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment for 2024

duda • October 18, 2023

2024 Cost of Living Adjustment 

As you may know, the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) is an annual adjustment made to Social Security benefits to account for changes in the cost of living. The annual COLA helps the 71 million Social Security beneficiaries keep up with inflationary pressures.

I am pleased to inform you that for the year 2024, the COLA for Social Security benefits will be 3.2%. This means that your monthly benefit amount will increase by 3.2% starting from January 2024. Although lower than last year’s 8.7% increase, it’s still above the two-decade average of 2.6%. COLA notices will be available online in the Message Center of your My Social Security account beginning in December 2023.

This adjustment is based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), which measures changes in the prices of goods and services from the third quarter of 2022 through the third quarter of 2023. It reflects the rising costs of essential items such as housing, food, healthcare, and transportation.

We understand the importance of Social Security benefits in providing financial security and peace of mind. This COLA increase aims to help maintain the value of your benefits and support your well-being.

Contact our office for a free Social Security timing report. 
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Beneficiary, Trusted Contact, Durable power of attorney and Medical power of attorney: Understanding the Importance of these specific roles in your life Chad Mangum • Dec 10, 2023 When it comes to planning for the future, it's important to understand the various roles and legal documents that can help protect your interests and ensure your wishes are carried out. Four key terms that often come up in managing your financial accounts or estate planning and your healthcare decision-making are beneficiary, trusted contact, healthcare power of attorney, and durable power of attorney. While they may sound similar, each term carries its own distinct meaning and purpose in safeguarding your financial well- being. In this blog, we will explore the differences between these four concepts and shed light on their unique roles and responsibilities. The Importance of Beneficiaries: A beneficiary is an individual or entity designated to receive the assets of a financial account upon the account holder's death. Having beneficiaries on your accounts ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, avoiding potential conflicts, estate and legal complications. The Functions and Roles of Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries play a crucial role in estate planning and asset distribution. They can be named on various financial accounts, including life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and investment accounts. The primary functions and roles of beneficiaries include: 1. Asset Distribution: Beneficiaries receive the assets held in the account upon the account holder's death. They can be individuals, such as family members or friends, or entities like charities or trusts. 2. Contingent Beneficiaries: In case the primary beneficiary predeceases the account holder, contingent beneficiaries are named as backups. This ensures that the assets are distributed as intended, even if unforeseen circumstances arise. 3. Avoiding Probate: Designating beneficiaries helps bypass the probate process, saving time and money. Assets with named beneficiaries can be transferred directly to them, bypassing the lengthy and costly probate process. 4. Beneficiaries have no decision-making authority during the person's lifetime and only receive the designated assets after the person's death. 5. Beneficiaries can be changed or updated by the person who created the document at any time. The Role of a Trusted Contact: While beneficiaries focus on asset distribution after death, a trusted contact serves a different purpose during your lifetime. They play a vital role to help protect the individual's interests and act as a resource for the financial institution or professional. The Functions and Roles of a Trusted Contact include: 1. Monitoring and Reporting: A trusted contact is someone designated by an individual to be contacted by financial institutions or professionals in case of suspected financial exploitation or cognitive decline. They can also alert your financial institution if they notice any suspicious activity, helping to safeguard your assets. 2. Communication and Decision-Making: In the event of your incapacity, suspected financial exploitation or cognitive decline a trusted contact can communicate with your financial institution. They do not have any legal decision-making authority but can provide valuable information and support. 3. Peace of Mind: Having a trusted contact in place helps provide a peace of mind, knowing that someone you trust is looking out for your best interests. It ensures that your financial affairs are handled according to your wishes, even if you are unable to do so yourself. 4. The individual can choose to revoke or change the trusted contact designation at any time. Roles, responsibilities and differences between Durable and Medical power of attorney. A durable power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone the authority to make financial decisions on behalf of another person, while a medical power of attorney allows someone to make healthcare decisions for someone else. Healthcare Power of Attorney: 1. A healthcare power of attorney is a legal document that designates an individual to make medical decisions on behalf of another person if they become unable to make those decisions themselves. 2. The designated person, known as the healthcare agent or proxy, has the authority to communicate with healthcare providers and make decisions based on the person's wishes or best interests. 3. This document is typically used when someone is incapacitated or unable to make medical decisions due to illness, injury, or mental impairment. 4. The healthcare power of attorney can be limited to specific decisions or broad enough to cover all medical decisions. Durable Power of Attorney: 1. A durable power of attorney is a legal document that designates an individual to make financial and legal decisions on behalf of another person, even if they become incapacitated. 2. The designated person, known as the attorney-in-fact or agent, can manage the person's financial affairs, pay bills, make investments, and handle legal matters to the limitations set within the legal document. 3. Unlike a regular power of attorney, a durable power of attorney remains in effect even if the person becomes mentally or physically incapacitated. 4. The durable power of attorney can be effective immediately or become effective only upon the person's incapacity. Both power of attorneys may be changed or updated by the person who created the document at any time. In summary, a beneficiary is an individual or entity who receives assets or benefits from a trust, will, or insurance policy upon the death of the policyholder or grantor. A trusted contact, on the other hand, is someone designated by an individual to be notified in case of suspicious activity or concerns regarding their financial accounts. A healthcare power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone the authority to make medical decisions on behalf of an individual if they become incapacitated. Lastly, a durable power of attorney is a legal document that designates someone to handle financial and legal matters on behalf of an individual, even if they become incapacitated. Having an understanding of the specific roles is crucial for comprehensive financial planning. By understanding the functions and roles of each, you can ensure that your financial affairs are managed effectively while you and your loved ones are taken care of. I hope these bullet points help you understand the differences between these important legal terms! Let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with. Disclosure: Please note that we are not attorneys and the information provided in this blog is not intended to be specific legal advice. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified attorney for any legal matters or concerns. The information provided here is for general informational purposes only.
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